What is an “Ownership Structure”?

In Monstro, we utilize the concept of “ownership structures” to help categorize and define the ownership of your Holdings.

Holdings can encompass a variety of assets, including but not limited to investments, insurance, debt, real estate, collectibles, cryptocurrency, and even grapevines.

At its core, an ownership structure is designed to:

  • Organize your Holdings based on ownership:
    • Personal Structure: This refers to assets that are exclusively owned by you. By default, your initial ownership structure in Monstro is set as a personal one.
    • Household Ownership Structure: As the name suggests, this categorizes assets owned jointly by you and one or more members of your household.
    • Entity Ownership Structure: This is designed for assets held by a corporate or other legal entity in which you have a stake or membership.

To view and manage your Holdings as well as their associated ownership structures, simply navigate to your profile within Monstro.